- Bug Fixes
- iOS 5.8.18 is in the App Store.
Project Centre
- Web
- Ability to search for units.
- Ability to search for templates.
- Add users is now a step in the Project Setup wizard.
- Ability to add geo coordinates and addresses when importing units.
- Improved navigation when selecting sites.
- Ability to export Quality Templates workflow to Excel.
Novade Quality
- Fixes
- Fixed bug on By Type dashboard where Other subtype would not list the units with that defect type.
- Fixed a bug where archived defects were being unarchived.
- Fixed a bug where Add Location appeared in the Locations listing.
- Fixed a bug where if a mandatory form was created and archived, it would show as if the form was never created.
- Fixed case numbering error where cases had a NaN number.
- Fixed issue with some excel sheets not opening due to Chinese characters in the tab name.
- Fixed issue with archiving not showing as complete.
- Fixed display on mobile which shows step 2/4 twice when lodging defect.
- Web
- Improved filtering on Contractor and Defects view. New filters include the three levels of Defect type, sub-type and description.
- Added By Level filter on the By Date dashboard.
- Added percentage to the Unit Status dashboard.
- Ability to configure layout of the By Forms & Unit Status dashboards.
- Ability to rotate photos.
- Enable restriction to be able to create only one form per template or unit.
- Enable restriction of being able to create a form based on the state of the parent form.
- Added ability for all Inspector users to view Orphan defects.
- Ability to create Unit Statuses for multiple projects.
- Improved filtering on Cases. Added By Tag filter.
- Added Map view for units if they are geo-located.
- Added Status and Manager filter to Map view of Units.
- Ability to import mandatory forms.
- Ability to export defects in HDB’s prescribed format for contractors.
- The landing dashboard can be set per project.
- Mobile
- Enable homeowners to see forms meant for their record.
- Faster Forms view. Forms are grouped by Template first.
- Added total number of defects to Case PDF export.
- Included defect ID in Case PDF export.
- Ability to enforce sequential cases within a unit or across a project.
- Power users can delete forms of any status.
- Added project option to start aging for defect from Lodged date instead of Confirmed date.
- Added ability to see all participants on a form to view files attached to a form.
Novade Safety
- Fixes
- Fixed issue where NCR markers were appearing at the far side of the screen.
- Fixed issue where Weekly PTW PDF did not contain photos.
- Incidents – Photos added are categorized into before and after depending on status of Incident.
- Incidents [Mobile] – Added My Actions item.
- Incidents – Ability to add comments.
- Observations – Added a filter for creator and assignee.
- Added ability to select Observations and Incidents for export to Excel.
- Added “Create Incident” user right.
- Observations – Added Open and Close Observations rights.
- Web – Added Incidents tab to Areas view.
- NCR – NCRs risk level can have a custom colour configuration.
Novade Maintenance
- Fixes
- Fixed an issue where files attached to an inspection job could not be opened on mobile.
- Fixed an issue where repair requests are created without validation. This was creating invalid requests.
- Web
- Added an interface for external users.
- Added Repair response time dashboard.
- Mobile
- Added ability to discern Rejected forms when there are many assets/forms attached to an Inspection.
- Enabled SMS notifications in China.
- Default Repair time is set to 9 AM when creating a job.