COVID-19: Operating with New Health & Safety Measures
Protect Your Teams
Enforce new standards and implement contact-free processes.
Act Fast
Leverage proven solutions, deploy in real time, monitor execution remotely.
Maintain Productivity
Enforce new norms effectively with minimum impact on your operations.

The World Post-COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic impacts our lives and will durably transform the way we manage operations on sites.
New health and safety norms are emerging. Companies need to adopt new measures to both reassure their employees, and offer guarantees to their clients and key stakeholders.
A New Set of Challenges for Field Operations
• Deploying new measures fast with minimum impact on productivity
• Communicating and briefing every single employee on new norms
• Effectively monitoring the actual implementation of new measures
• A paradox: more stringent controls are required but paper-based processes increase physical contact

Operating with New Health & Safety Measures Using the Novade Platform
• Manage employees’ health & safety records
• Automate daily body temperature capture
• Trace employees’ contact history
• Empower employees to share best practices
• Enforce new measures with digital forms
• Conduct health inspections digitally
• Monitor adoption of the new practices
The World
The COVID-19 pandemic impacts our lives and will durably transform the way we manage operations on sites.
New health and safety norms are emerging. Companies need to adopt new measures to both reassure their employees, and offer guarantees to their clients and key stakeholders.
A New Set of Challenges for Field Operations
• Deploying new measures fast with minimum impact on productivity
• Communicating and briefing every single employee on new norms
• Effectively monitoring the actual implementation of new measures
• A paradox: more stringent controls are required but paper-based processes increase physical contact
Restart Operations with New Health & Safety Measures Using the Novade Platform
• Manage employees’ health & safety records
• Automate daily body temperature capture
• Trace employees’ contact history
• Empower employees to share best practices
• Enforce new measures with digital forms
• Conduct health inspections digitally
• Monitor adoption of the new practices
Daily Health Declaration Forms
- Daily submission of paperless health declaration forms prior to entering site
- Remotely review all health declaration forms
- Maintain digital records for auditing purposes
- Retrieve records anytime for submission to relevant authorities

Easily Record & Report Body Temperature
- Capture and record body temperature with QR codes
- Track the location and time of temperature taken via a contactless process
- Remotely review all records up to 28 days
- Maintain digital records for auditing purposes

IoT Integration – Thermal Scanners
- Automate temperature taking for field operators entering and leaving the worksite
- Tag each worker’s temperature to their profile using facial recognition
- Deny entry to persons detected with high body temperature
- Integrate seamlessly with Novade’s platform through API
- Retrieve data from a single source of information

Contact Tracing with Bluetooth
- Bluetooth contact tracing is enabled for all registered personnel on their mobile devices
- Retrieve records of those who come in close contact with approximate time and duration
- Identify non-compliance and take corrective actions promptly
- Export information easily for reporting or auditing purposes

Control Movement with Location Tracking
- Check in and out with QR codes
- Monitor site movement remotely and efficiently with real-time updates from the field
- Identify non-compliance and take corrective actions promptly
- Export data easily with a user-friendly interface for audit purposes

IoT Integration – Facial Recognition Cameras
- Facial recognition for field operators entering and leaving the worksite
- Prevent unauthorised personnel from entering site
- Integrate seamlessly with the Novade platform
- Retrieve data quickly with a single source of information
Empower Teams to Keep Everyone Safe
- Empower workers in the field to report observations with photos from their mobile devices
- Highlight safe working practices observed to provide positive reinforcement
- Verify and assign corrective actions remotely for non-compliance

Enforce New Measures with Digital Forms
- Customise digital forms to help manage potential and confirmed cases
- Input detailed information such as workers’ particulars and symptoms
- Attach documents required by the authorities
- Generate and archive reports automatically with the option to download for submission to authorities
Conduct Digital Safety Inspections
Assign corrective actions on the spot.
- Conduct inspections and lodge non-conformities
- Select standard descriptions; take and annotate pictures
- Assign corrective actions on the spot with starting dates, completion and levels of severity
- Generate reports automatically; option to customise report format to match client requirements

Monitor Adoption of New Measures in Real Time
Novade Can Help You Operate with New Health & Safety Measures
- Enforce new standards in the field rigorously and consistently
- Reduce contact with digital data capture and digital approval processes
- Manage corrective and preventive actions effectively
- Monitor conformance and adoption remotely
- Trace contacts and digitally record all processes
- Detect issues before they occur by applying analytics
- Retrieve data for authorities’ submission