Is that a custom role? It fits you so well
You know that feeling when you put on a piece of clothing that fits just right. You get that extra strut in your walk and the confidence picks up? Well, our new feature may not have you strutting like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever, but it will make managing the various people and the jobs they perform a lot easier. You don’t want just anyone creating and deleting data from your field management system do you?
Introducing Custom Roles with NL 2.3, you can now get granular in the roles that you create. You want someone to only manage forms and not tasks or you need a role for a Drawing Manager, someone who only manages drawings in the system and does nothing else? No problem, just create a new role and assign the appropriate rights. We have a number of combinations you can play with and even get started by duplicating one of the existing predefined roles and tweaking it.

Power user tip:
Don’t go overboard though. Define two or three roles that make sense. Too many roles and rules and you’ll start getting people confused on site.
Take it for a spin and if you need assistance in getting started, please read the article or reach out to us at [email protected].
The only app you need to manage your tasks
Whether you are tracking your own activities to stay on schedule or coordinating multiple teams and jobs, scheduling with Novade Tasks gives you eyes on the job in real time – when and where you need them.