We have received feedback from some of our clients to enable homeowners to easily lodge defects without having to schedule a joint inspection. This is especially crucial in current times where in-person joint inspections with the developer may not be possible.
With this in mind, we are changing the terminology used in the joint inspection process of the Novade Quality module.
The proposed terminology changes will be visible for:
- Employees in the scheduling section under the Defect Dashboard and Calendar View tabs on the web
- Employees who are viewing Case History and My Actions on mobile devices
- Homeowners when lodging and submitting defects on mobile devices
Terminology Updates on Mobile:
Terminology Updates on Desktop:
This change in terminology will take in effect from 24 February 2021.
If you feel this change would impact your operations, we’d like to hear from you. Please reach out to [email protected].
Thank you.
The Novade Team