Novade Product Update for February, 2020
Novade Safety is now able to ensure that the PTW process is completed properly by enforcing restrictions on users who do not close their PTWs. This ensures integrity of the process as well as keeps the application running fast. Novade Maintenance now has the ability to use QR codes for selection of Location as well as Assets. Novade Quality has a redesigned UI for projects that do not use Cases to ensure the speed of the app is uncompromised by large number of defects.
Novade Quality
- Fixes
- PDFs of cases were not showing the drawings with pinned defects on the web.
- Inspections forms could not be edited.
- Background colours on headers were not showing in PDFs.
- PDF export formats.
- The Case PDF export with Images was only exporting the case summary.
- A signature field was showing twice in a PDF export.
- Exporting defects to excel.
- The incorrect message was showing in an email notifying user of completed defects.
- Drafts of other users were being counted in the total number of forms visible to a Standard user.
- The DLP end dates on the Unit page and the Edit page were different.
- Drawings were not showing properly in the PDF export of Forms.
- Members of a group were unable to see forms assigned to them.
- Added:
- The company name of the person who added a photo to the info tab of the photo.
- The Spatial Hierarchical information to the Location field in the General section of PDF exports.
- The ability to upload drawings directly to a Unit instead of only to a Unit Type.
- Inspection –
- Assignee selection is filtered by Company, Group and User similar to Defects.
- Web –
- Added a column in the defect export excel to indicate name of linked forms if any.
- Added the drawing with pinned defects to the PDF export of forms that have defects created from the form.
- Improved the export of PDFs of forms with sub-form buttons. The sub-forms show at the location of the Create sub-form button now.
- Improved search bar results – they include information from sub-forms as well as unit and project files.
- The creation of forms and objects from the web conforms to the new UI rules that have been implemented in Safety. Instead of selecting a unit first, a user can first select which type of form or object they would like to create first.
- Added a Location filter on the Defect Type dashboard.
- Added the ability to manually archive Defects on projects that do not use Cases.
- Improved the By Form Tracking dashboard to accurately depict forms that are WIP even if they are behind schedule.
- The numbers of forms shown in a unit more accurately reflect those that are live and those that are archived.
- Added the ability to expand the By Assignee view on the Defect Overview dashboard.
- Removed the numbers in the left pane from Defects by Unit and Forms by Unit because they were inconsistent and confusing.
- The Defect Liability Period (DLP) expiration is set to 23:59 Hrs on the day the DLP expires. Previously the time was shown as 00:00 hrs on the day after the DLP expired.
- When a homeowner lodged case is completed, the homeowner will be notified.
- Redesigned the UI for the Defects list display on projects without Cases to improve performance.
Novade Safety
- Fixes:
- Duplicated PTWs were not visible to other people in the same company.
- Safety dashboards were not reflecting the correct data.
- All closed forms were not being archived.
- On the web, the prompt for signature kept reappearing.
- The number of Actions was showing 0 for some users.
- Users were not able to apply for PTWs if their project was not using drawings.
- Added:
- The ability to edit photos orientation, description etc. for all standard users.
- The ability for Client Admins to add configured Custom Dashboards to new projects.
- Web –
- Added Revoked and Rejected tabs to the table view of PTWs.
- Mobile –
- Added the ability to see Files.
- Actions –
- Improved interface to add photos and comments when an Action is created from a punch item in a form.
- PTW –
- Added the ability to restrict the creation of PTWs if previous PTWs of the same type, by the same user have not been closed within a stipulated period of time.
- Pinning PTWs on a drawing can now be made mandatory.
- Observations –
- Added the Ability to create any type of Observation category instead of being restricted to Positive, Negative and Neutral.
- Incidents –
- Incidents can now have multiple Hazards and Sources.
- Meetings –
- Meetings can now be set up without the need for confirmation by attendees.
- New users have the right to Create Meetings by default.
Novade Maintenance
- Fixed issues where:
- Forms were showing up as Complete even if Mandatory fields not filled.
- Users were unable to download PDFs for Inspections jobs.
- Technicians not assigned to a project were able to see all projects.
- The staff page was not accessible.
- Maintenance was unable to loaded from the Start app.
- Text related to the Approval step was still showing up even after the option to disable it was checked.
- Photos in Jobs could not be deleted.
- The plan tab not showing up for Assets.
- Fields in forms were not editable in multiple stages.
- Mobile –
- Fixed an issue with screen titles showing as Home for Japanese customers.
- Added:
- The ability for client admin users to delete Comments.
- The ability to scan QR codes for Unit selection instead of only Asset selection.
- NFC capability to Asset selection.
- A link to the Parent recurring event in an Inspection.
- Improved Asset info page.
- Modified behaviour for comments on Closed Requests. Comments are only mandatory on Requests without an associated Job.
- Web –
- Changed the icon for Asset group.
Novade Activity
- Fixed issues where:
- A Power User retained rights even after they were removed.
- A custom field called Companies was not linked to Companies in People.
- Updating Activities by importing with excel.
- On the sort order of units.
- On Start/End times not updating correctly in Activities with overlapping Start/End times.
- iPad’s left pane not refreshing when launching Activity from the Start app.
- A JavaScript error when a user without an email is to be notified about a Task completion.
- Formatting in long Text boxes was not working.
- Added:
- The ability to tag a unit.
- The ability to comment on an Activity.
- The ability to edit workflows for forms by project.
- Rights for Power Users to edit User rights as well as import/export Activities.
- Harmonized Form statuses on web and mobile.
- Web –
- Added filter By Type in Units.
- Modified left pane “Assignments” to show up as “Assignees”.
- Added the ability to multiselect milestones and delete them en masse.
- Added the ability to delete Activities en masse.
- Added the option in People to unsubscribe from all task notifications in Activity.
- Added the percentage of work done column to the excel export.
Novade People
- Fixes:
- Change of language for Client Admins was not saved.
- Home was the title of all Team pages.
- Editing the language was removing users from Beta.
- Web –
- Added the option to unsubscribe from all task notifications in Activity.
Project Centre
- Fixed issues:
- The Save button in User Rights was not working.
- With the Export of Activity User rights.
- Quality user rights were displaying inaccurate information.
- Imported Quality user rights were showing as updated but not taking effect.
- The Create Template in the setup wizard for Quality was not working.
- Windward uploads not working.
- Projects could not be deleted.
- The exported list of users was not showing all users.
- Users were being deleted when a project is deleted.
- Improved the drawing update function to allow for easy bulk update of drawings.
- Added a check to ensure that all form templates have a unique name.
- Added the ability to move files between folders.
- Added a function to add the Start app to all users if the Start app is changed from one module to another.
- Added a function to check for special characters before importing units.
- Expanded the Broadcast Message functionality to Maintenance, Activity and Workforce modules.
Novade Insights
- Fixes
- Construction site filter showing lower number of processes.
- Weekly PTWs’ time was multiplied by 1000.
- Count of open cases.
- The database didn’t have the last 10 days of data.
- Count of defect per unit.
- PTW by contractor was not showing properly.
- Remove section header when it appears in duplicate
- Worker time showed in minutes instead of hours.
- Empty defect type and location type showing empty text. Replaced with (no type) and (no location).
- Defect status not working.
- Workforce –
- Added an Absence Rate Indicator.
- Activity –
- Added a Performance indicator based on how many tasks were completed as planned, late or early.
- Added a progress indicator by month.
- Added a Project Progress Indicator based on Completed Tasks v/s Total Tasks.
- Added a graph to indicate number of tasks planned and started per month.
- Added a graph for comparative progress by project.
- Quality –
- Added a new tab for Quality Forms.
- Improve the wording of dashboard titles.
- Added explanation in tool tip box of some dashboards.
- Aesthetic improvement: If a bar chart shows more than 10 elements, a scroller is added on the right side to display only the 10 first elements.