Novade Platform

  • Improved the setup of Actions and Risk Levels to prevent errors. Risk Levels, if enabled in any Project, are mandatory to be set up in Project Centre. Actions creation is blocked if Risk Levels are not created.
  • Added a keyboard shortcut “a” for users to quickly open a modules menu and easily switch modules. Existing keyboard shortcuts have also been improved and all users can now use them to quickly switch between modules.
  • Fixed issue:
    • Options not being available for some tables

Novade Quality

  • Added the ability to limit the number of defects per case to keep case sizes manageable
  • Added custom workflow step colors in plans on mobile
  • Fixed issues:
    • Navigation arrows disappearing when another form tab was selected
    • Zip PDF exports containing unnecessary folders
    • Some archived forms in dashboard designer could not be opened
    • Duplicate cases count were not accurate
    • Auto archival was still running on Quality/Safety projects for which the forms auto-archival setup had been cleared

Novade Safety-HSE

  • Fixed issues:
    • Drawings not being displayed and exported correctly when used in subforms
    • A custom script preventing the right status to be set when importing form from an Excel file

Novade Site Diary

  • Added the ability to configure and display custom fields in a site report

Novade People

  • Fixed issue:
    • A power user could not update the forms role of a specific person

Project Center

  • Fixed issues:
    • Meeting predefined field rank could not be updated
    • Template preview was not working anymore for templates containing a form field
    • Child workspace was not found during a template sync
    • The addition of drawings to a unit type was not working
    • Some custom scripts being modified when being saved