The table is set. Shall we dine?
Formal table settings can get confusing. I never know which fork or spoon I need to use and why do I need different glasses for everything. But let’s set aside snooty dining for a second and talk about another table and settings that will make your life easier not more difficult.
We’re talking about Tables in Novade’s forms.
Let’s face it; on a daily basis the number of forms that need to be filled up on site can get overwhelming. It’s even worse when they are all paper forms, because you need to file those suckers and then finding them is a —– , fill in the blanks.
But it is also true that at times digitising forms can be difficult especially those forms that need multiple entries on the fly, like a snagging list or a timecard or an inventory list. Not all digital tools make this process easy, but with the Novade Lite app you can now configure your form templates to allow repetitive data to be entered on the fly. Use our easy template builder function to add a type of field called a Table and configure it as needed. You can add any type of field – single select, multi-select, toggle etc. to a table format (the only exceptions are photo, signature and formula type fields for now). You can read all about how to add a Table to your Form Templates here.

Predefined Templates with the Table Field
Snag/Punch/Defects List (Simple)
Snag/Punch/Defects List (Detailed by Type)
Site Diary (Table Entry)
Ad-Hoc Worker Timecard
Toolbox Meeting (Table Entry)
Confined Space Permit to Work
Working in Confined Space Checklist
Air-Conditioner Service Record
Equipment Maintenance Log
Meter Reading (Maintenance)
And that’s not all, we’ve also released a new Formula type field which can use references to other fields and do simple mathematical calculations. Need to add a bunch of values together and then get the average, no issues. You can read more about how to set up a Formula field here.
We haven’t been grasshoppers all summer. There’s plenty of ant in us.
Take it for a spin and if you need assistance in getting started, reach out to us at [email protected].