Novade Platform Added Admin Audit Logs for the following deleted Closed Objects: Defects, Quality Forms, Actions, Observations, Safety Forms Restricted the ability to delete a drawing that is uploaded to a template, if there are existing forms created from that...
Novade Platform Updated the button to navigate between pages of tables Web – Standardised the Custom Report labels (for users to download exports) across various Object’s pages Fixed issue: Broken formatting during Windward export Novade Quality Displayed...
Novade Platform Standardised manual archival period options for all modules to include: Today, 7 Days, 14 Days, 1 Month, 3 Months, 6 Months, 1 Year Improved Dashboard Designer to allow users to open a Form in their respective functions, instead of the module they are...
Novade Platform Added a checkbox setting at template level to allow the display of fields in two columns on form edit page Fixed issue: There were blank spaces after timeline charts in dashboard designer Novade Quality Fixed issues: Mobile notifications were not sent...
Novade Platform Fixed issue: The options displayed in the popup when changing the status of a unit in the unit status dashboard Novade Quality Fixed issues: The description list varies between mobile and web when picking defect type and subtype Unit names are...
Novade Platform Added the requirement for users to reset their password after it expires when logged in on web and mobile Added the ability to collapse/expand section headers in forms Fixed issue: The size of the PDF header logo is too big Novade Quality Updated user...